Tariakuri school of Fine Arts allows everyrone regardless of age, to learn a new skill and live an ispired life with the arts. Our multidisciplinary courses offer instruction from some of the best teaching artists in the area, from dance, music, theatre, film and so much more.

Registration is simple:

  • Download registration form

  • Fill out your information bellow

  • upload your registration form

  •  A $30 registration fee must be paid, to ensure your childs spot

  • Payment can be made thru Zelle @ : 312.532.2774 

Once payment and registration is recieve a confirmation email will sent and your ready to go! 
you can make your first tuition payment when you begin class​

In the evennt that the City of Chicago or State of Illinois deem it necessaty for us to move back a phase or shelter in place again, our classes will immediately switch to a virtual platform, either Zoom or Google meet. Tariakuri shall immediately distribute information to registered students if and when that happens.